Friday, September 19, 2014

Learning from dogs

Time ago I watched a program that uttered the following motto “Be good, be animal”.  It caught my attention and it made me happy since I am the kind of person that maintains that there are certain animals, particularly dogs, whose values exceed those human have. 
It is said about dogs that they are “Man´s best friends” but I don´t know if that relationship is mutual.  Certaintly, there are many things that you can learn from dogs.  One thing is to give without expecting anything in return, also to serve despite the abuses and reproaches they can receive; or to show happiness for the simple fact that their names are pronounced or even to defend their “friends” to the point of dying for them or to offer love  expecting nothing in return as well as not to assault the one they love. They don’t judge, they simply take the world around them at face value. Dogs live in the present – they just do!  Moreover, their loyalty is unique. There are innumerable cases in which this virtue has been seen; such is the case of the loyal dog called Capitan, who lived in Cordoba. Capitán went missing for a few days, but he was eventually found lying in the cemetery next to Guzmán's resting place .The remarkable part about this story is that Miguel died in a hospital, and his body was taken to a funeral home far away from where he lived. Capitán had never been to the cemetery before.
Anyhow, I could mention countless attitudes one could learn from them. I think that they are not animated objects to whom a value or price can be assigned. Consequently, I consider that it is more significant the way they are and their virtues instead of what breed they belong to.
Once again, human beings go through life moved by their desire to “pretend to be” and often their feelings are so poor that they lose the teachings that can be obtained from the simplicity of an animal such as the dog.
I cannot stress how important a dog’s love is. And I hope someday, you get to experience that love.

 Just have in mind the following quote stated by Anatole France, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one´s soul remains unawakened.”


  1. I love your post, Flor! I heartily agree with what you say about dogs. I love animals in general, but I do believe that dogs are man's best friend. I've heard of many examples from real life in which dogs demonstrate that idea. Apart from the one you mention, there is another one very famous about an Akita named "Hachiko" (there is even a heartbreaking film about the story), whose owner dies in his workplace, and the dog awaits for him in the train station for about 9 years!! It's an amazing story of love, loyalty, and friendship.
    Besides, what I really like of dogs is the fact that they just accept you in the way you are, and love you just because. They don't know about prejudices or bad intentions; they are good by nature and excellent companions.
    Five months ago I found in the street an emaciated female dog that was starving and affected with mange, and I took her to my house. At first, I didn't know what to do with her, and now I don't know what I would do without her. <3

  2. Thank you for your comment Dani. I agree when you say that "dogs just accept you in the way you are, and love you just because". They are amazing!They just give you all from themselves and expect nothing in return. I also congratulate you for adopting this dog that you found in the street, it is like the famous quote states, "saving one animal, won´t change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal"(unknown author).
