Friday, October 10, 2014

Reading habits and the paper book


    I don´t know about you but I LOVE reading. I think reading broadens your knowledge by opening up the whole world to you. I think the reason I love reading books so much is because reading is an almost magical thing and to be honest, I find it quite enjoyable as well as relaxing. If you sit down with a good book to read, it is as if you can go to an entirely different world, and be in a world of your own for a few hours. When you’re so deeply engrossed in a book, you’ll notice that books have that amazing ability to transport you, evoking different feelings of sadness, joy , anger et.

   However I could say that I consider reading as that activity associated with printed books. This kind of reading produces me pleasure and it allows me to find a text, quote or word that I want to remember in a determined position of the book and it remains in my mind in a particular place, a footnote, the back, the front of the book. There's nothing like hearing the sound of printed paper, the feeling of seeing your progress, and just have an area of your home dedicated to books. I like being able to hold a book in my hands, flip through the pages, admire it on my bookshelf, that kind of stuff. 

    Perhaps mine is the position of those who started reading with printed texts, but also of those who have made reading a cult. Today, few could discuss whether it is more convenient or better to read digital or to read a paper version because there are less reading population. Then I wonder, those who were educated being able to choose what to read in those tight bookshelves have not acquired more reading habits than those that are tempted to read books of the moment in digital format or some gossips of the show biz today?

    I am not against using electronic books or other kind of electronic devices but I prefer ink and paper. I love the feel and the smell of books - in fact, just walking into a library or bookstore and smelling the familiar scent of old books makes me happy. Besides I spend my studying day and frankly more than enough of my leisure time staring at screens. The freedom from the screen's tyranny just enhances the pleasure of book reading for me. So I could say that paper books will always be my favourite, these will always have my love, above and beyond any other option. 


  1. I am an active reader since I am like 7 or 8 years old. I really enjoy reading but I have like a set of rules to do it… I need to be relaxed; the book has to be of my interest and IT HAS TO BE A PRINTED VERSION. There is nothing better than smelling and touching the pages of a book. Old and new books’ smells are absolutely perfect!

  2. Thank you for your comment Andy! . I´m glad I´m not the only crazy one of the printed books! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Flor! I love that you talked about books. I did as well on a previous post since reading is a pleasure I highly enjoy. I do prefer paper books, it's mlike you said, I love admiring them on my bookshelf and I'm so happy when a new book takes its place there (actually, I bought two books this weekend :) ). But on the other hand, when I want to read a book that hasn't arrived to San Luis or when I don't have money to pay for it (hopefully I will buy all of them one day) I read from the computer, or from my phone. Actually, I've read the Divergent Trilogy from the small screen of my phone, like 1500 pages. Hard job for my poor eyes haha.
    So, if asked, I would always choose printed books, but if I'm really anxious I'd read from a rice kernel :P

  5. I totally understand what you say Cin. I also LOVE printed books but you are right, sometimes some books do not arrive here or are VERY expensive so I also have no choice but to read on my computer or phone. But well, when I can choose I choose the printed books, nothing compares to them.

  6. As Cinthya said, it's great to have the books in paperback but soemtimes is impossible to have acces to them. Until recently, I had always read the paper versions. Unfortunately, nowadays bookstores do not have a variety of books or they are really expensive. For me, another drawback is that we get books in Spanish and I want to read the original version. I want to read the words of the author! This situation might not be the best but now I almost exclusively read from the screen of my computer.
    All this talk about books made me remember Beauty and the Beast. Didn't you fall in love with the huge library Beast had in his house? It was great! Hahaha!
